Marcel Wagenländer

PhD student



Since June 2021, I have been a PhD student in the Large-Scale Data & Systems Group (LSDS) group at Imperial College London, where I conduct research in Machine Learning Systems (MLSys). Under the supervision of Professor Peter Pietzuch, my primary focus is on large-scale distributed machine learning, particularly exploring the impact of resource changes on deep learning training systems.

Additionally, I collaborate with my second advisor, Professor Mark van der Wilk, on Gaussian Processes (GP). Our research aims to improve benchmarking GP approximations for comparability and enhance the performance of GP inference.

Prior to joining the LSDS group, I completed both my Bachelor of Science and Master of Science in Informatics at the Technical University of Munich.


Marcel Wagenländer, Guo Li, Bo Zhao, Luo Mai, and Peter Pietzuch
Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP), 2024

Luo Mai, Guo Li, Marcel Wagenländer, Konstantinos Fertakis, Andrei-Octavian Brabete, and Peter Pietzuch
USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI), 2020


Sebastian W. Ober*, Artem Artemev*, Marcel Wagenländer*, Rudolfs Grobins, Mark van der Wilk

Workshop publications

Marcel Wagenländer, Luo Mai, Guo Li, and Peter Pietzuch
USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing (HotCloud), 2020

Curriculum vitae

Research statement


hello ɑ